A miner has his lung capacity tested to determine whether he has black lung disease. (EPA) by Paul Sabin | July 7th, 2016
New Bedford dock hand with sheaves of baleen from arctic bowhead whales. (A.B.C. Whipple, The Whalers, 1979) by Paul Sabin | June 23rd, 2013
Elk in Burned Forest after Yellowstone Fire, 1988 (National Park Service) by Paul Sabin | June 23rd, 2013
Cree woman carrying moss on her back, c.1927 (Edward S. Curtis Collection) by Paul Sabin | June 23rd, 2013
Deepwater Horizon oil rig fire, Gulf of Mexico, 2010 (U.S. Coast Guard) by Paul Sabin | June 23rd, 2013
Army Bicyclists on Mammoth Hot Springs Terraces, Yellowstone National Park, ca. 1896 (National Park Service) by Paul Sabin | June 23rd, 2013
Trees and cabin with Yosemite Falls in background, Yosemite National Park, ca. 1860 (Library of Congress) by Paul Sabin | June 23rd, 2013
Sunbathers at Huntington Beach, and an oil platform offshore, May 1975 (Environmental Protection Agency) by Paul Sabin | June 23rd, 2013
Pumps closed on Interstate 5 in Oregon (Environmental Protection Agency) by Paul Sabin | June 23rd, 2013
Hippopotamus hunt on Mlembo River, Rhodesia, Africa c. 1910 (Library of Congress) by Paul Sabin | June 23rd, 2013